Returns + Exchanges

Returns Process

If you are not entirely satisfied with your goods, you can return them to us for a full refund or exchange up to 14 days from receiving your item(s). The returned products must be new, unwashed and unused, in perfect condition and in the original packaging and with tags attached. We strongly recommend that you return goods via registered/signed for mail so that you have proof of dispatch in case an item is lost. We cannot accept responsibility for goods lost in transit. Please note that returns postage cannot be refunded. Damaged items cannot be refunded or exchanged.

To return or exchange an item please email us at for a return request stating the reason for a refund or exchange. Once the request has been acknowledged and accepted we will share the return details with you.

Product Descriptions + Pricing

Every care has been taken to ensure that all descriptions, colours, and prices are correct. As some of our products are hand made from natural materials there will be variations from item to item due to their originality. Colours shown may vary depending on the natural products from which they are sourced as well as the settings of your monitor, software or printer.

All measurements given are approximate.

In the event that a La Belle Liberté product is listed at an incorrect price due to technical error or error in pricing information LBL LONDON LTD reserve the right to refuse or cancel any orders placed for product listed at an incorrect price whether or not the order has been confirmed and your debit/credit card charged.


No order is binding on you or LBL LONDON LTD until we have accepted it. You will own the items we supply you from the moment they are put in the hands of the delivery service. All prices are subject to change without notice. Sales on this website are governed by laws of England and Wales and all disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

LBL LONDON LTD – Reg No: 8901539. All rights reserved.