Is a zero waste lifestyle possible?
Is going zero waste as scary as it sounds? I think the word everyone is scared of is ‘zero’, meaning none at all, which I can admit sounds very daunting. So maybe we should rename it to ‘less waste’, or ‘try your best with your waste’? It would definitely help people overcome this overwhelm, which is what might be stopping them from even giving it a go in the first place. I find it a satisfying (yet impossible) challenge… but some of us like and need a challenge right?
So what is ‘zero waste’ exactly? Basically, it’s just reducing your waste as much as possible to the point where your bin is the least full in comparison to your recycling and compost pile. Essentially, it’s just making as many changes as possible where you can so less ends up on the landfill! Sounds simple enough right?
Here are a few tips that will help you give it a go. Who’s up for the challenge!?
Repurpose your coffee grinds for scrub
Get some reusable bees wax wraps instead of cling film
There are also silicone covers which are another great alternative to cling film
Start a compost pile
Reuse that compost soil for your plants
Catch rainwater to water your plants
Grow your own herbs, veggies, and fruit if you can {think less plastic waste from the supermarket}
Buy from locals farmers markets and fruit and veg stalls vs produce wrapped in plastic from shops
Buy better quality furniture that lasts longer, vintage, or second-hand
Buy things made of natural and recyclable materials {eg. wooden chairs over plastic ones)
Use old newspapers for your fire starter
Source decorations from nature {twine, washed up beach glass, pine cones, etc.}
Use old newspapers and brown paper bags to wrap presents as well as reuse leftover gift wrap instead of throwing it away upon opening
Reuse old bows and gift bags
Hold a clothes swap with your friends
Donate things to charity
Donate electronics to people who will use them for parts
Make some home made scrubs and face masks from natural ingredients you already have at home such as sugar, coconut, and honey
Use bar soap instead of shower gel + body wash which come in a plastic bottle
Try bars of shampoo instead of bottled
Metal razors instead of plastic
Seek out brands which you can buy refills for {there are some lovely one’s out there, I’ll try to share them soon}
Go for brands which have glass or recyclable packaging
Try a bamboo or wooden toothbrush
Invest in some reusable face wipes instead of cotton wool. I love my Face Halo
Re-use tupperware from takeaways
Take glass or metal straws with you
Glass jars for smoothies on the go
Pack wooden or reusable cutlery for your lunch out and about
Get some reusable water bottles. I love my bkr and Hydroflask
Always carry a tote or canvas bag with you in case you need to make a trip to the shops
Take some vegetable bags for your stop at the farmer’s market
Vinegar is your best friend
Get some reusable glass spray bottles
Make your own cleaning products out of vinegar, baking soda, citric acid, essential oils, lemons, etc. There are lots of great recipes out there {will try to share soon}
Alternatively, buy better household and cleaning products from brands with a conscience and who recycle their packaging - Ecover and Method are great! I especially love the Method laundry detergent in Pink Peony and the Lavender all-purpose spray, they smell divine and are non-toxic as well and are available in most supermarkets
There are so many things we can do these days to get closer to a ‘zero-waste’ lifestyle. Every little helps, so do your part to help keep this planet greener and cleaner, because we’re all in it together! It doesn’t have to be as hard as it sounds.